The Never Ending Travel Bucket List

2 Amazing Days in Naxos Greece That Will Make Your Vacation One to Remember

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Planning a trip to the beautiful Greek island of Naxos Greece? Here is how to spend 2 amazing days in Naxos Greece that you will never forget. Naxos Greece

Planning a trip to Naxos Greece can be a lot of work. Trying to figure out where to stay, where to eat, and where to visit on the island can definitely be overwhelming at times, I understand because I’ve been there before, but I am here to help.

You are going to learn about how to have the best 2 days in Naxos Greece, including how to get to Naxos, where to stay, what restaurants to eat at, and everywhere you should be visiting on the island.

After reading this blog post you will be able to relax knowing your trip to Naxos is planned and you will have an amazing vacation.

This post is all about 2 amazing days in Naxos Greece that will make your vacation one to remember. 

2 Amazing Days in Naxos Greece

How to Get to Naxos Greece


The most popular mode of transportation in Greece is ferries. When planning an island-hopping trip around Greece, ferries will be your best friend. The website I used when booking my ferries was Ferryscanner and they made it really easy and affordable to find ferries between the Greek islands.


If you are like me you may not realize that some of these small Greek islands have airports but they do. Naxos has an airport called JNX and it is located on the west side of the island. So if you are looking for another mode of transport that is not a ferry booking a flight is another option. When I book my flights I always use Google Flights to compare flight prices from multiple different companies. I recommend always comparing the prices you find on google flights to the flight on the actual company’s website to make sure you are always getting the best deal possible.

Where to Stay in Naxos Greece

Naxos Greece I believe Naxos Town is the best place to stay in Naxos. Naxos Town is located right by the Naxos ferry port and very close to the Naxos airport. There are tons to see in Naxos Town, from the famous monument of the Temple of Apollo to the beautiful cobblestone streets to amazing beaches. Not only is Naxos Town beautiful but it also has a great bus station right by the ferry port that can take you to tons of other places on the island.

Naxos Town Airbnb

When I stayed in Naxos Town I stayed in a beautiful Airbnb called Charming Cozy Suites – Citron Suite, which I highly recommend to anyone looking for a place to stay in Naxos Greece. This Airbnb was in a great location close to grocery stores, restaurants, the ferry port, and much more.

Naxos Greece Map

Day 1 in Naxos

Plaka Beach

Naxos Greece Plaka Beach is one of the many beautiful beaches on Naxos. With an amazing white sand beach and clear blue water, Plaka Beach is a must-see spot in Naxos Greece.

How to Get to Plaka Beach
To get to Plaka Beach you can drive, bus, or walk. By car and bus from Naxos Town, it is around a 20-minute drive. The bus ticket is around 3 euros for one way (6 euros round trip). And to walk to Plaka Beach from Naxos Town takes around 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Lunch at Kaλń Kapδiá

After a few hours at the beach if you are like me you will be hungry so it is time for lunch. In Naxos Town, there is a street right along the water full of restaurants with a beautiful view of the water. We went to Kaλń Kapδiá which was a really nice restaurant in Naxos.

Walk the Street of Naxos Town

Naxos Greece aesthetic After you eat lunch and have an after-beach shower you will be ready to walk the streets of Naxos. The streets of Naxos are beautiful cobblestone streets with colourful houses and shops. If you are like me you could spend a couple of hours walking these streets and taking photos.

Sunset at Temple of Apolo

Naxos After your evening walk in Naxos, I would recommend you end the night at the Temple of Apolo watching the sunset. I would plan to get to the Temple of Apolo early to get a good spot since it is a popular place on Naxos to watch the sunset.

Day 2 in Naxos

Hike Mount Zas

Greece Mount Zas is the highest peak in the Cyclades which is a pretty amazing thing to tell people after your trip. Not only is it super cool to tell people you hiked the highest peak in the Cyclades but the views you get to see during this hike are amazing.

How to Get to Mount Zas
You can drive or take a bus from Naxos Town to Mount Zas. If you were to drive yourself it would take around 35 minutes and if you were to take a local bus it would take around an hour. The bus tickets to Mount Zas are around 3 euros for one way (6 euros in total). You can either start at Aghia Marina or Filoti. Aghia Marina is a shorter distance and easier hike whereas starting at Filoti increases the distance and makes it a bit more of a difficult hike.
Distance/Time/ Difficulty of Mount Zas Hike
The hike is around 7 km roundtrip and should take around 2-4 hours to complete. The difficulty of the hike depends on the kind of person you are and your activity level. I am a relatively active person and I found it a moderate difficulty level.
Warning/Funny Story About Hiking Mount Zas
This is just a warning for my fellow bug haters out there. I don’t know if the day we went was a weird day but when we got to the top of Mount Zas there were hundreds if not thousands of flying beetles. I am not a fan of bugs (in less nice terms I am terrified of bugs and it was like I was in a nightmare at the top). Apparently, the bugs are attracted to white and guess what I was wearing…yup you guessed it WHITE! In the moment I was not having a great time but looking back it makes for a really funny story and the hike was amazing so it almost made up for it. If you really don’t want to experience the bug craziness I did I still recommend you go and do the hike just maybe don’t hike all the way to the top.

Explore the Town of Filoti

After your hike up Mount Zas if you started in the town of Filoti I recommend you walk around a bit and explore before heading back to Naxos Town. Maybe go out for lunch or grab a nice cold drink or ice cream after that long hike.

If you are staying 2+ days in Naxos here are some other fun activities to do in Naxos Greece

This post was all about how to spend 2 amazing days in Naxos Greece that will make your vacation one to remember.

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