I have travelled to Europe twice, spent 3 months in total travelling around Europe, and visited over 10 European countries.
While planning my trips to Europe I have made my fair share of mistakes but these mistakes will not be for nothing if I can share them with you so you avoid making the same Europe travel mistakes.
We will go over packing, transport, scams, and more so you can have the most amazing Europe trip.
This post is all about the most common Europe travel mistakes first-time travellers make.
1. Overpacking

Lots of people when planning a trip to Europe overpack and trust me I did the first time too. But trust me when I say you do not need a new outfit for every single day, basics that you can mix and match will be your best friend. Also things like tons of shoes and hair tools you can go without. If you really think you need any of these things go for it but personally, I loved travelling with a carry-on size luggage, it made it super easy to train, bus, and walk around Europe.
Check out my blog post “The Ultimate Carry-On Packing List” if you need help packing, a free downloadable packing list is included.
2. Overplanning or Underplanning
Most people either overplan or underplan their trip to Europe and this totally depends on the type of person and traveller you are. Personally, I like to plan but I never recommend planning everything down to a tee.
For myself, I liked having accommodations and transport pre-booked. I knew where I was going, how long I was going for, and how I was getting there. However, I did not plan everything I wanted to do in each location. For some people that work others prefer even less planning so you can be spontaneous, meet people, and change your plans last minute.
For those types of people, I recommend booking your flights to and from Europe in advance and at least your first accommodations when you land and a rough outline of where you want to go and possible ways of getting there. That way nothing is booked way in advance so you can change your plans if you want.
3. Not taking advantage of public transport

Do not forget about public transport in Europe it is a great way to get around within a country as well as travel between countries. Europe has amazing train lines that can get you pretty much anywhere in Europe. Lots of people get Eurail passes so you can travel by train, but when I went I booked individual train tickets off of Omio. Busses are another great way to travel around Europe, I booked my train tickets on Flixbus for super affordable prices. Even ferries are a great way to travel in some countries such as Greece, I booked my ferry tickets off of Ferryscanner.
4. Not being prepared for scams and pickpockets
For the locations you are travelling to in Europe do a quick search on the most common scams and ways people will try to pickpocket. People in different countries will use different techniques and strategies to try and get your money or valuables. So by doing some research before you go, you can prepare yourself to avoid these situations or notice if they are happening to you. There are pickpockets all over Europe but are very common in super touristy locations so make sure to be aware of your surroundings at all times and extra careful when visiting a common tourist spot.
5. Not understanding the currency conversion
Understanding the currency conversion in your head can be difficult sometimes but is very helpful to know so you are not spending tons of money without realizing it. Exact conversions in your head are not necessary or reasonable for many people but having an estimate in your head can be very helpful. Also, you can download a currency converter app on your phone that way you can easily check the exact conversion so you can keep track of your spending throughout the trip.
6. Not getting an e-sim card
When you are travelling most people buy a local sim card so you can have data to look things up when you are out and about travelling to new locations. But buying a new physical sim card for every country you visit can be a lot of work. E-sim cards are super convenient, affordable, and you can purchase individual country sim cards or a European sim card on Airalo. On my last few trips I used Airalo and it was a game changer I love e-sim cards!
7. Visiting only super touristy places

Seeing the most known landmarks and places is not a bad thing when travelling. I have gone to see Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, the Sagrada Familia, the Collosuem, and more. But the mistake a lot of first-time travellers to Europe make is they only go and visit these super well-known places. Some of my favourite memories from travelling have been in less known destinations or in less touristy spots. Finding a balance is always key when travelling around Europe for the first time.
8. Not trying the local cuisine and famous dishes

Every country has different local dishes so I recommend you do some research and try some local dishes from every country you visit. Eating out for every meal of the day is not super reasonable for a lot of travellers but finding a balance between making some of your own meals and eating out at local restaurants and trying famous dishes sometimes helps you save money while not missing out on the local cuisine.
9. Not Getting Travel Insurance
Make sure you get travel insurance if you do not already have it before you go on any trip even to Europe. The amount of people I know that have travelled to Europe and either got something stolen or have flight problems or accommodations issues is crazy. Having travel insurance just gives you peace of mind if anything happens you are covered. So do you research and find the best travel insurance for you.
10. Not Taking Advantage of Free Walking Tours

There are free walking tours all over Europe and they are a great way to learn more about a new destination and meet other travellers. Free walking tours are not completely free but are much more affordable than other tours because the price is just the tip you give to the guide at the end which is usually between 10-20 euros. When I booked walking tours throughout Europe I found them on GuruWalks or Freetours.
11. Trying to Fit Too Much Into One Trip to Europe
A lot of people when travelling to Europe want to see as many countries as they possibly can and from someone that fit 10 countries into a month of travelling around Europe I wouldn’t recommend. There is so much to see in every country in Europe and if you try to fit too much in you will end up missing out on so much. A couple of days in each country is not nearly enough time to see everything you want. I am not saying you cannot travel to Europe like this but from someone who has done these fast-paced trips and now has started to spend longer in each location I much prefer completely seeing a country instead of just getting a taste of a bunch.
12. Assuming Eurail is the Cheapest Option
I am sure everyone planning a trip to Europe has heard about the Eurail pass and you might think you NEED to get it but this is not always true. Most people make the Eurail pass sound like the cheapest and best option for everyone travelling to Europe but when I travelled to Greece, Spain, and Portugal last summer buying individual train passes ended up being cheaper than the Eurail pass would have cost. Make sure to do your research to make sure you are choosing the best and cheapest option for your trip.
That brings us to the end of the top 12 mistakes first-time travellers to Europe make. Hopefully, these Europe tips were helpful and you do not make the same mistakes I did. Hope you have an amazing Europe trip and safe travels!