The Never Ending Travel Bucket List

Everything You Need to Know Before Hiking the Samaria Gorge in Crete Greece

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For travellers planning a trip to the Greek island of Crete and who like to hike, you must visit the Samaria Gorge. This is everything you need to know before you hike the Samaria Gorge.  Samaria Gorge

When you are on vacation figuring out what you want to do each day and what sites you want to see can sometimes be overwhelming I totally get it. Let me make it easy for you, you HAVE TO go see Samaria Gorge. It is AMAZING!

If you are like me, before going on a hike you will be doing a ton of research. You probably want to know how long and hard the hike to Samaria Gorge is, you will probably want to know how to get to the beginning of the trail, what you should bring, and more.

Instead of searching for hours to get all the information after reading this blog post, you will know everything you need to know before hiking the Samaria Gorge.

This post is all about everything you need to know before hiking the Samaria Gorge in Crete Greece.

Hiking Samaria Gorge

All About the Samaria Gorge

Samaria Gorge Trailhead Hiking Samaria Gorge The Samaria Gorge is a National Park located on the south side of the Greek island of Crete. This hike is a one-way walk through the White Mountains, where you walk over the river and through the narrow gorge throughout the hike. This hike is a very popular one with tourists and for good reason, this hike is absolutely breathtaking, both because of the views and because it is a 18km hike 😉 The views through the hike are amazing and not what you picture when you think of Greece. Throughout the walk, I couldn’t believe we were even in Greece and then once you get to the end and you jump into the ocean you realize you really are in Greece.

Distance and Difficulty Level

Distance: 16 km (10 miles) Time: Between 4-8 hours Elevation: 1,250 m Difficulty: Moderate  The hike starts at the trailhead to the Samaria Gorge and heads to Agia Roumeli. In total, the hike is 16 kilometres and takes around 4-8 hours to complete. We took around 6 hours but we took it nice and slow with lots of breaks. The elevation may seem super intimidating but let me ease some of that stress, it is all downhill. Because you walk only one way from the trailhead to Agia Roumeli the whole hike is downhill you don’t have to turn back around and go back up what you just walked down. Because it is downhill I found it not as difficult as some made it seem online. Everyone experiences hikes differently and the difficulty level will also differ between people. Don’t get me wrong I did not find this hike super easy but I also did not find it incredibly difficult. By the last 2 kilometres of the 16 km walk my legs did feel a bit like jello but the first 14 km were great. If you are moderately active I am sure you will be fine hiking the Samaria Gorge. Also please don’t let some of the stories online sway you from doing this hike. I know I read some people’s stories before I went and I almost decided against going because you made it sound so hard and painful and overall not enjoyable but thank goodness I didn’t listen because this hike was one of the highlights of my entire trip.

The Hiking Route

Samaria Gorge Hiking Route You will start your hike at the trailhead of Samaria Gorge. There is a parking lot at the start where you will be dropped off by the bus. There is a lodge at the beginning with a bathroom and cafe. Once you are ready to start your hike you will then show your ticket to enter or get a ticket at the trailhead. At the beginning of the hike, it is pretty steep downhill. The steep downhill is around 2 kilometres long and then it starts to flatten out for the rest of the way. Throughout the hike, you are going to have to cross over the river that goes through the gorge. To cross the river there are either rocks to step on to cross or in some parts, little bridges were made to walk across. Throughout the hike, there are many rest stops with bathrooms and water stations. I would recommend taking breaks it helps to split up the hike so it doesn’t feel that long. Make sure to drink lots of water and eat lots of snacks throughout the walk. After 14 kilometres of walking you will need to show your pass to exit out of the National Park. But you are not done yet! You then have to walk another 2 kilometres to reach Agia Roumeli. Once you reach Agia Roumeli the hard work is over and you just have to ferry and bus back to your place.

How to Get to and from the Samaria Gorge

Samaria Gorge Crete There are two main ways to get to and from the Samaria Gorge. The first way is to use public transit and do the hike by yourself OR the second option is to get a tour and do the hike with an organized group.

Hike the Samaria Gorge Without a Tour

This is the option I went with when I hiked the Samaria Gorge. My friend and I were travelling on a budget and were confident that we could figure out the hike and transport ourselves. We had to buy three tickets at a ticket counter in Chania and they were a total of 30 euros. We bought a bus ticket from Chania to the trailhead of Samaria Gorge which cost 7 euros. Then we had to get a ferry from Agia Roumeli, which is at the end of the hike, to Sfakia which cost 15 euros. And then from Sfakia, we took a bus back to Chania which cost 8 euros. The transport was relatively easy to figure out and if you have any questions the people at the ticket counter will be able to help you. To enter the National Park you have to get a pass which cost 5 euros. You can buy the pass online or at the trailhead (which is what we did). Make sure to keep the pass safe and with you because to leave the park you will have to show your pass again. Overall to do the hike by yourself costs around 35 euros and is relatively easy to do without a tour so if you are on a budget like me this is a great option.

Hike the Samaria Gorge With a Tour

If you prefer hiking the Samaria Gorge with an organized group there are lots of tours. I find GetYourGuide has good deals on tours and they have tours to the Samaria Gorge for around 50 CAD click here to check out the tour.

What You Should Bring to Hike the Samaria Gorge

Samaria Gorge Crete Greece Because this hike does take most of the day you need to be prepared. These are all the things I brought on our hike:
  • waterbottle
  • snacks
  • hat
  • sunscreen
  • running shoes
  • athletic clothes
  • bathing suit
  • towel

A MUST at the End of Your Hike

Agia Roumeli Bring your bathing suit! After walking 16 km in the heat it is one of the best feelings ever to jump into the ocean at the end. After your hike, you will end at Agia Roumeli to catch the ferry. The ferry comes at specific times so you usually have to wait to board the ferry. In that time I highly recommend going for a swim. On the beach, they have somewhere you can change and they even have showers so you can rinse off after your swim and hike.   I hope this guide to hiking Samaria Gorge was helpful and I hope you are feeling more prepared to do this hike. It was such an amazing place and a highlight of my entire trip.

This post was all about everything you needed to know before hiking the Samaria Gorge in Crete Greece.

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